Northern Ireland, a country in the North East of Ireland's island, is one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. Listed in this directory are websites for activities, businesses, and general information on the regions of Northern Ireland.
Site Listings
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- Discover Northern Ireland - Official website of Northern Ireland Tourist Board, includes information on tourism, accommodation and things to see or do.
- Northern Ireland Assembly - Is the prime source of authority for all devolved responsibilities and has full legislative and executive authority.
- ARK Northern Ireland - Providing suitable Northern Ireland-specific educational materials for schools and organisations working with young people.
- Arts Council of Northern Ireland - Offering a broad range of funding opportunities through our exchequer and national lottery funds.
- Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre - Providing advice, support to DHSSPS, health, social services boards, trusts, and others.
- Conflict and Politics in Northern Ireland - Providing a wide range of information and source material on the Northern Ireland conflict.
- Conservation Volunteers Northern Ireland - Mission To create a more sustainable future by inspiring people and improving places.
- Conservative Party North Ireland - The Conservative Party is the only national UK political party that contests elections in Northern Ireland.
- Department for Employment and Learning - To promote learning and skills, to prepare people for work and to support the economy.
- Department for Social Development - The official site of department for social development in Northern Ireland.
- Department of the Environment in Northern Ireland - Aims to improve the quality of life in Northern Ireland, now, for the future, by promoting a better and safer environment.
- DHSSPS - Providing department functions, strategic direction, organisation, management structure, staff numbers, funding, and others.
- Environment and Heritage Service - Aims to protect, conserve and promote our natural environment, built heritage for the benefit of present and future generations.
- Law Society of Northern Ireland - A member of that branch of the legal profession whose services consist of advising clients.
- Leprosy Mission Northern Ireland - Mission to minister in the name of Jesus Christ to the physical, mental, social and spiritual needs of individuals and more.
- National Museums Northern Ireland - Including the ulster museum with Armagh museum, the ulster folk and transport museum and the ulster American folk park.
- NI Policing Board - Covers the actions of everyone who works for the chief constable, traffic wardens, support staff and all police officers.
- Niccy - Northern Ireland commissioner for children and young people.
- NILGA - Provides information on the services offered by the Council and all the latest news, events and activities in the Borough.
- Nisra - Is the principal source of official information on Northern Irelandīs population and socio-economic conditions.
- Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce & Industry - Promote business between its members and others and, in doing so, represent their best interests.
- Northern Ireland Discovered - Including excellent accommodation, delicious cuisine, magnificent architecture, Breathtakingly,beautiful coastlines and much more.
- Northern Ireland Economic Council - Providing independent advice to Government on the development of economic policy for Northern Ireland.
- Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association - The official site for the Northern Ireland food and drink association.
- Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission - To promote awareness of the importance of human rights in Northern Ireland, to review existing law and practice and others.
- Northern Ireland Ombudsman - To ensure that every citizen in Northern Ireland is served by a fair and efficient public administration.
- Northern Ireland Social Care Council - It's aim is to increase the protection of those using social care services, their carers and the public.
- PBNI - Provides hostels for offenders, and run various projects in the community, which address the offending behaviour of offenders.
- The Campaign for Real Ale - Promoting cask ale in Northern Ireland, supporting CAMRA in its work on all fronts, and others.
- The Community Foundation - Improving the quality of life through enabling communities to tackle social need, divisions by funding, supporting and others.
- The Northern Ireland executive - Provides a regularly updated gateway to information about the administration in Northern Ireland.