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UK Ministries

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This directory page focuses on government ministries in the UK offering various public services. These include policy development, public administration, and custom ministry programs.

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  • Foreign & Commonwealth Office - Responsible for overseas relations and foreign affairs, through its headquarters in London.
  • Ministry of Defence - Responsible for defending the United Kingdom and promoting international peace and security.
  • Ministry of Justice - We are responsible in government for upholding justice, rights and democracy.
  • Department for International Development - The DFID is a ministerial department responsible for promoting development and the reduction of poverty.
  • Department for Work and Pensions - Responsible for the Government's welfare reform agenda. Its aim is to promote opportunity and independence for all.
  • Home Office - Promotes active citizenship, to reducing crime and regulating immigration and labour.
  • Office of Fair Trading - The OFT is responsible for making markets work well for consumers.
  • UK Department for the Economy - Responsible for economic policy development, energy, tourism, mineral development, health and safety.
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