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UK Law Associations

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The purpose of this category is to highlight law associations in the UK offering professional support and resources for lawyers. These associations provide networking opportunities, advocacy, and legal education. List your law association to connect with legal professionals seeking collaboration and support.

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  • Association of Child Abuse Lawyers - A group of professionals dedicated to providing a quality service to the victims of abuse.
  • Association of Pension Lawyers - An association established and run by lawyers specialising in pensions in the UK.
  • BIALL Association - British and Irish Association of Law Librarians presents insights into law librarianship, a news service, and conference dates.
  • Charity Law Association - Enabling those who advise on or use charity law to meet together, to exchange ideas and intelligence and to use their experience.
  • Education Law Association - Promoting and developing expertise, through training and the exchange of information, in the practice, knowledge.
  • Employment Lawyers Association - A UK legal association specialised in employment law.
  • Financial Services Lawyers Association - Provides finance lawyers, junior lawyers financial management and financial services.
  • Immigration Law Practitioners' Association - Provides information to members on domestic and European immigration, refugee and nationality law.
  • Law Society - The regulatory and representative body for solicitors in England and Wales.
  • Mental Health Lawyers Association - The professional body for mental health lawyers in England & Wales.
  • Molesworths Bright Clegg - Association representing solicitors practising or residing in Rochdale and district.
  • UK Environmental Law Association - UKELA aims to make the law work for a better environment and to improve understanding and awareness of environmental law.
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