The purpose of this category is to feature seafood suppliers in the UK offering fresh and frozen seafood products. These products include fish, shellfish, and seafood platters. List your seafood services to connect with customers seeking high-quality and sustainable seafood options.
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- Associated Seafoods - Offers a range of seafood products including cooked crab, battered scottish scampi, gourmet shellfish, and more.
- BioMar - Manufactures and supplies salmon feeds to the UK and Irish markets.
- Ramus Seafood Emporium - UK based online mail order fresh seafood supplier, Seafood available includes lobster, Scottish salmon, trout, haddock and sole.
- Seafish - Seafish works across all sectors of the UK seafood industry to promote good quality, sustainable seafood.
- Seasider - C.M. Roach & Co. Ltd is an actual stockholder of over 400 different seafood products.